I have had a long and wonderful holiday. Some of you may think that's because Donald and I spent our first Christmas at home in 13 years, or that we have a new dog and got to spend lots of time with him, or the fact that I had almost 14 days off in row and got paid for it!! But no. I spent my holidays curled up in bed looking at Christopher Meloni's schlong. Yup, I have seen more penises these past few weeks than I'm sure to ever see in my entire life. I have this silly grin on my face and I remember each vivid shower scene and well any other attempts he made on the men of OZ. I highly recommend this show. I watched all 6 seasons much to Donald's displeasure and he now feels that he doesn't quite measure up. Well, it's Christopher Meloni for christs sake, it's a movie star penis. I wrote him a note (Chris) and told him how much I liked his peters work and i prayed it wasn't a stunt double and that I have a paying gig here in Tupperville if he ever needs some extra cash.
Donald doesn't know about this email
Please don't tell on me
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