We finally had a break in our crappy winter weather this week. Tuesday was like a dream, plus 10 and sunny and I didn't even put my winter coat on. The snow is near all gone now and I can see grass again, green grass. I can also see the remains of many a dogs breakfast and dinner for that matter. Our lawn is a virtual carpet of dog shit and the rubber boot dance is more important than ever. I may audition for a indian dance troupe. But more importantly let's discuss where this poop comes from. Two dogs, beagles to be exact, one whose movements are considerably larger than the other and much more frequent...he gets that from his mom. I have made the decision to never have children and instead have too many animals and I am starting to ask myself who has it worse. I spend about one hour a day dealing with crap. Cat and Dog. I pick up about 4 to 5 hairballs a day. I wipe down floors of barfed up milk, christmas ornaments, regurgitated plastic and stomach bile every step I take. I feel like an unpaid nurse. I'm tired. I'm really not getting any satisfaction of knowing that when my animals turn 18 they will move out and clean up their own messes or look after me in my old age. Mind you I don't have to deal with unplanned pregnancies anymore...we nipped that in the butt...bud...how does that saying go...or teens yelling they hate me and running away with their biker boyfriends or bringing illegals into my house. I guess the argument is 50/50. I just need a break. I haven't been alone in my home for 5 minutes for ages. I am accompanied to the bathroom, kitchen, living room, bedroom, hallway, stairwell and stared after when I go outside. I can't wait to booze it up this weekend and forgot about my fur family, does that make me a horrible mother? It has to be better than smothering their furry little faces while they sleep.
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